November 20-26

Overview of the Week

Remember the Thanksgiving Clap-back era of the late 2010’s? Well, get ready for the memes to make a comeback this year, only this time, the jokes won’t be landing so well. This week’s turkey day transits are indicating tensions between family members, sharp words, and possibly hurt feelings. Light communication is failing and off-handed comments are being taken personally, but there is hope. While this week holds a potential lapse or two in communication, there is equal potential for healing.

Early in the week, Venus is squaring Saturn, creating a feeling of angst and anguish. Poor Venus has been tied up all year, and as a result, none of us are feeling the love. Unfortunately for Venus, life isn’t all about love and pleasure. Sometimes we have to be placed in difficult positions to discover what needs healing, and while Venus may feel uncomfortable in this square, she’s soothed by an opposition to Chiron, who teaches us that we can heal if we just open up and talk it out. Simultaneously, Mercury in Sagittarius will trine Chiron in Aries, further promoting the idea that words can heal.

The Sun and Mars will square Saturn and Chiron, in the middle of the week, hindering our sense of drive and self expression. After some possible missteps early in the week, we’re asking ourselves, “how much can I assert myself here?” Do we need more gas or more breaks? This is a great time to work on balancing your vitality. What’s a sustainable speed for you to take action towards your goals? Which parts of you need to be seen by the world and which are better left a mystery?

The week ends with no planets in Scorpio, and after a month of deep contemplation and internal reconstruction, I’m sure we’ll all be happy to engage with Sagittarius’ blind optimism for a change. Finally on the 26th, the Moon will trine Pluto, providing a more positive expression of the shadow self. What is dark in us balances what is light. When the Moon illuminates Pluto, he teaches us why our darkness is a vital part of our beauty. Periodically engaging with what is often left in the shadows is really what makes us whole.

For details on how these transits may affect you this week, check your sun, moon, and rising signs below!


Discovery, knowledge, and philosophy. Those are your themes for this week, Aries. Whether it’s through books, people, or experiences, new, perspective-shifting information is coming your way, and whatever you’re learning is in direct contrast with what you previously believed to be true. You’re likely to become resistant to this new outlook. It’s healthy for one to be suspicious of that which is unfamiliar. But keep an open mind, Aries. Ask questions. Get more information. This knowledge could change your entire life trajectory.


Finances are tight for everyone, Taurus, but this holiday season, you could be getting some relief. Where you lack strategic skill, you make up for in luck, and when it comes to money, you’re very lucky. You may be receiving some cash from family or your partner could be getting a raise with you reaping the benefits. Keep those riches close to you. There may be an impulse to pay off everyone’s debts or you may receive pressure from your friends to spread the wealth, but large sums can go quickly, Taurus. Having an abundant attitude is not that same as spending frivolously.


There’s great luck for you in love, this week, Gemini. Things in your current relationship might be clearing up, someone knew may be coming into the picture, or you could be rekindling things with an old flame. Either way, whatever excitement is showing up in your love life is going to last. The only issue is, this love spiral may not be all that practical. Your jobs or lifestyles may not align. It’s possible committing to this new romance requires long distance or extended time apart. It’s always up to you, Gemini, but know this isn’t just a fling. This person is here to stay in one way or another.


You take a lot of pride in your work, Cancer. You’re a self-motivated leader with a solid work ethic. Whether it’s your career or your health, you provide results. You’ve done enough trial and error to know what works, and it’s because of this that you can also be stubborn. This week, you may be presented with a new way of doing things, Cancer. Someone around you keeps offering advice, and you’re not having it. It can be incredibly irritating to know what works for you and have someone try to butt-in, but try to stay open. It may not all be useful, but this person could have some knowledge that benefits you.


Leo, you have this incredibly endearing ability to tap into your inner child. You know how to be silly, playful, and sometimes pouty. This week, you have even greater access to this skill. You may be spending time with family this week, supercharging your childish antics. It’s great to get a little goofy, Leo, just don’t turn into a full-blown baby. This isn’t a great week to ask for financial support or even comment on others’ finances. If I were you, I’d put the adult stuff away this week and go sit at the kids table.


It’s a good week to be with family, Virgo. You may be feeling more empathetic than usual towards your family members yet still able to remain honest with them. There’s this sense that you’re no longer sacrificing yourself for other’s comfort, and this feeling isn’t charged by anger. You’re able to both accurately assert yourself and accept those that raised you. The only tension is with your chosen family, Virgo. You may be receiving some push back from your current partner or an ex returns out of the blue. Either way, try taking the same approach you’re taking with your family. They’re not that different, you know.


Libra, you’re known for your sociability and charm, and this week, that’s getting turned up to a ten. You’re spearheading discussions and mediating disputes, working as a maestro of conversation. Honestly, whatever Thanksgiving dinner table you’re sitting at, I’d like to be a patron. Just, be careful with your body, Libra. All this celebrating may distract you from necessary dietary restrictions or you may fall off your regular health routines in the name of having fun. You’ve made it so far. Don’t throw it all away over some glasses of wine and a turkey.


There’s an unbreakable tie between your finances and your creativity, Scorpio. Whether you’re a successful business person, a scientist, or an actual working creative, innovation is a prominent element in your work. You’re a pioneer. A trailblazer. But this week, that path appears inaccessible. You may be presented with a business or work opportunity that seems right up your ally, but your passion and ability to bring new ideas to the table just isn’t there. Be patient, Scorpio. I know this is frustrating, but it’ll pass.


You’re the star of the show this week, Sagittarius! But I mean… what’s new? This week, you’re feeling like an extreme version of yourself: quick, boisterous, and extremely honest. This is you at your best, but there’s this nagging entity holding back your fire. Interactions with family members may be difficult this week. You may sense that your whole self isn’t welcome here or that you’re being “too much”. Don’t let this make you go from your best self to your worst, Sagittarius. With great honesty, comes great responsibility.


You’re feeling outspoken this week, Capricorn, and with all of these political opinions flying across the table, you’re going to feel inclined to set everyone straight. Unfortunately, this isn’t your week in effective communication. There’s a blockage between your mind and your voice, exhibiting an ability to think very clearly and a failure to accurately articulate your thoughts. It may be best to bite your tongue this week, Capricorn, and just watch the absurdity fly by. If this week is a fire, you’re gasoline.


A master of formulating thriving communities, Aquarius, we need your help this week. You know how to make sure everyone’s skills are being utilized, and with this many cooks in the kitchen, we need you to manage the staff. There may be passive aggressive altercations between your friends and family or dirty laundry that needs airing. I can see you becoming the arbiter of truth this week, helping your loved ones get to the core of these issues and awaken from a state of denial. Just be careful with everyone’s feelings. The truth can hurt.


What do you do when everyone’s fighting but you just want to have a nice time? You let it all blow over. At least, that’s your M.O., Pisces. The only problem with that mentality is, what happens when your positivity results in avoidance? This week is challenging you to speak up and participate, Pisces. There may be some difficulty expressing yourself properly, but that’s just growing pains. Take the leap to have your voice heard. Let everyone hear the thoughts that are always swirling around in your head.


December 4 - 10


November 13-19