November 13-19

Overview of the Week

This week starts off tonight with a brooding Scorpio New Moon, inviting a sense of sharp reevaluation of desires. We’re all about to become expert analysts on what’s going right, what’s going wrong, and how we intend to fix it in the long term. Unfortunately, for all of us, this New Moon will be conjoined the Sun and Mars all sitting opposite Uranus, meaning it’s highly likely we’ll end up blaming others for our current circumstances. Do your best this full moon to focus inward on what you can do to change. If you focus too much on the external, it will most likely lead to an explosion.

The Sun and Mars have been chasing each other through Scorpio all month and will finally conjoin by exact degree on Saturday. Both egoistic planets, when the Sun and Mars come together in as proud of a sign as Scorpio, there is high potential for increased self-confidence. If managed incorrectly, this self-confidence could lead to narcissistic behavior and ultimately forceful or overly aggressive action. Luckily, these two hot planets are cooled down by a square to Saturn, coming in to remind us that work comes before reward. We may find ourselves frustrated at the end of this week, wanting to move forward but feeling simultaneously limited.

This week’s transits are mainly influencing our temper, vitality, ego, and drive. It is an ideal time to learn how to control our own internal flame. Fire is aggression and speed, but it is also creation and forward movement. Pay close attention when stoking the fire that burns in your belly. If you look away, someone might get burned.

For details on how these transits may affect you this week, check your sun, moon, and rising signs below!


A warrior at heart, at any moment you’re ready to fight for what you believe in, Aries. This can be your greatest strength or your greatest weakness. This week’s transits may pour kerosine on your already brightly burning bonfire. If controlled, this could fuel creative work and long term projects, like a wood burning stove. If left unmitigated, it could lead to an explosion. Go inward this week, Aries. Use Saturn’s influence to channel all of this burning energy into hard, focused work especially related to finance and studies of the mind and the self. A great warrior also knows restraint.


I’m not going to sugar coat it for you, Taurus: your romantic relationships are looking a little rocky this week. Whether it’s your current partner or an ex returning with some grievances, this week’s transits suggest potential arguments. Funny enough, in the midst of all this relationship drama, you feel more yourself than ever. Stand firm in that: don’t fight anyone on it. Sometimes the most secure action is no action at all.


This week has the potential to be great! And it has equal potential to be very bad… Just like you, Gemini, this week appears to have great highs and great lows. Early in the week could be a great time to reflect on how you’ve been living your day to day. Which routines are working? What habits need to be implemented for you to level up? Later in the week looks worrisome in terms of health. I don’t like to fear-monger, but I’m going to be literal for a second: don’t risk any high intensity workouts over the weekend. You’ll thank me later.


You’re known as the softie of the zodiac, Cancer, but there’s great strength in being vulnerable. This week’s energy puts that strength on a pedestal. You may be working through some memories from childhood this week that are still a little sensitive, or if you’re a parent, you may be having some issues with your children that could lead to an argument. Either way, Cancer, you’re going to want to run at this thing head first, maybe defensively, but I’m going to advise you to stay open. Despite your reputation, you really are a great fighter. But you’re an even greater lover.


You may be feeling fed up with your family this week, Leo, and frankly, I don’t blame you. They just can’t handle how brightly you’ve been shining lately. Although, have you noticed that the hottest flames are sometimes also the smallest? Bonfires are wild and grand, but the hottest part are the coals, down at the bottom, almost invisible. That’s who I want you to be this week, Leo: so secure in yourself that you don’t need to tell anyone. They can just feel your heat. So when your family is pushing back, maybe criticizing or poking fun at you, you have nothing to defend. You never have to prove yourself to anyone, Leo. They just don’t get it.


Communication is on the chopping block this week, Virgo, and for a sign that loves language, you’re bound to get frustrated. You may be feeling unable to articulate your thoughts or like others keep misinterpreting you. You may even encounter a few miscommunications. I know it’s the details that build up and get to you, Virgo, but try your best to keep your cool. No one is intentionally out to get you, and in my experience, blowing up over the little things leads to regret. Embrace meditation. Let those misunderstandings float right by you. I promise you, they’re not worth it.


Money, money, money. Libra, let’s talk about money. You have the potential to be a financial powerhouse. You have a way of attracting. But you tend to have a difficult time saving. You swing on the pendulum between hoarding and overspending, and this week, wherever you are on that spectrum, things are coming to a head. A bomb is going off in your house of finance, which means you’re either going to receive a big check or a big bill. If you have been saving or investing, congratulations on your riches! But if you’ve been digging your own financial grave lately, Libra, just make sure not to dig any deeper before the weekend.


It’s been quite a transformation, Scorpio. I’m sure when you reflect on the person you were two years ago, you don’t even recognize yourself. Transformations, like the one you’re having, can be incredibly rewarding and simultaneously absolutely exhausting. Old habits no longer feel comfortable. Loved ones don’t even recognize you. Hell, they may even miss the old you, the you that wasn’t working. All of these factors make maintaining this new version of yourself all the more difficult. But here’s the thing about being your true self, Scorpio: no one can tell you how to do it. Those other voices aren’t even worth debating. You’re the only one with the answer.


Last week was about self expression, and this week is about introspection. Your view of the world is changing this week, Sagittarius, and even though you’re going to be itching to share your new point of view, I’m going to advise you not to. It’s not that I don’t want to hear about your existential crisis. I just know this is only the beginning of a new chapter, and I need you to finish writing it first. In my experience, if a new, maybe controversial, idea is shared before it’s been fully fledged out, it may cause an uproar. We all know you’re capable of causing a commotion, Sagittarius. Let’s just make sure it’s for the right reasons.


Friendship has been on your mind, Capricorn, and frankly, you’re not having it. It’s not that friendship isn’t important to you; it’s just sometimes all this drama, or even just re-evaluation, feels like an unnecessary distraction. This week those frustrations may reach their peak. You may be feeling direct and candid or maybe just completely over it. Either way, I’m going to recommend you not engage in any confrontations. You’re a talented debater, Capricorn, and we wouldn’t want anyone’s feelings to get hurt. Besides, it’s likely these frustrations are simply distorted, and once you look inward, you’ll see that the problem was never with them but really with yourself.


Ruled by Saturn, you’re a talented worker, Aquarius. You value hard work. You like to put in effort and see results. Unfortunately, not everyone you work with shares these values. You may be taking on more work than your teammates, picking up other people’s slack. This is maybe the most frustrating situation you could be in, and those frustrations have formed into a very rickety Jenga tower. The impulse to explode from the obvious disrespect is on the table this week, Aquarius. I know how good it would feel to just let them have it, but first, have you tried asking nicely? If yes, let it rip, but if no, quick reminder: it’s not worth severing professional relationships if you haven’t communicated first.


Philosophy, introspection, deep thinking: these are all in your wheelhouse Pisces. You’re typically a master of these conversations, navigating them with ease, but this week, for some reason, the road seems bumpier than usual. You may have difficulty communicating your thoughts or the people you’re discussing with may question your qualifications. Maybe you enter a discussion that, without your consent, turns into a debate. It’s frustrating to feel like this subject you’ve mastered is more difficult than usual, maybe even frustrating enough for your words to become venomous. Don’t give into temptation, Pisces. You’ll lose out on an opportunity to teach, connect, or understand.


November 20-26


November 6-12