December 4 - 10
Overview of the Week
It’s our lucky week, folks! Mercury dropped into Capricorn last week, leaving us feeling driven and focused. Venus just entered Scorpio and is happy there for the first time, maybe ever. And Jupiter is opposing Venus in Taurus, giving support to his malefic sister. The skies are looking clear to begin this week, and I’m happy to announce they’ll be staying that way.
Venus’ ingress into Scorpio on this Monday is actually a sound relief for the typically tumultuous pairing. Soft and cordial Venus usually doesn’t like Mars ruled Scorpio’s dark, brooding nature, but this week, fellow optimist, Jupiter, is coming in to lighten the mood. With Jupiter opposing in Venus’ home sign of Taurus, Venus has a chance to have fun with her dark side. Think seduction, crude banter, goth delight. That’s this week’s aesthetic.
In the middle of the week, Neptune will go direct in Pisces for the first time since June, giving us a new sense of clarity. Neptune’s retrograde may have blurred communication between parties, derailed you from your usual sense of direction, or just left you with your head in the clouds. Well, prepare for landing this week, folks. There’s a profound sense of grounding when Neptune starts moving forward again. In his home sign of Pisces, we’re still playing with innovative, existential, philosophical thoughts, only now we’re ready to ground them in reality.
Finishing off the week, Mercury trines Jupiter providing us with some good luck in communication. This is a great time to start planning for the New Year. There may be a reevaluation period in the middle of the month pertaining to these plans, but don’t fret. Whatever you start at this time will most likely be seen through, so choose carefully and with intention.
For details on how these transits may affect you this week, check your sun, moon, and rising signs below!
You’ve got bright ideas this week, Aries. Big, bright ideas. Maybe it’s a business venture or a new stream of income, or maybe you’re playing with some thoughts relating to your personal life philosophy. Either way, whatever you have been noodling with is about to become clear this week. Aries, you’re a man of action, so once your vision becomes clear, start actualizing. Start laying out the blueprint. If you start now—the sprinter that you are—I imagine it’ll be ready to launch early in the New Year. And if it’s a business idea, could you give me a heads up? I’d like to invest.
This year has been a time of deep introspection for you, Taurus. You’ve been reevaluating your relationships, your friendships, and even yourself. Reflection is like the draw of an arrow, pulling us back before launching us forward into newness. We have to question our ways and feel a bit unsure before we are ready to confidently walk forward on a new path. This path is becoming clear this week, Taurus. Questions are being answered, and although you may not have all the answers yet, you have enough to start planning your new future. Good luck, Taurus. We’re excited to meet you.
Say it with me, Gemini: my ideas aren’t real until they can be sensed by others. This may seem obvious to the untrained eye, but coming from a fellow Air sign, trust me when I say I understand the intrigue of getting lost in thought. You’ve been exploring your own psyche for the past six months, examining your values, your past, what you want for your future. You’re great at thinking, Gemini. It’s knowing what to do with the thoughts that’s challenging. Lucky for you, Venus and Mercury are coming in to help this week. They want you to channel these thoughts into creative works, or at the very least, plan out how these thoughts might manifest into reality. You’re getting ready to move forward. Let’s make a plan of action.
Put on your party dress, Cancer; we’re going out! I know you’re typically a comfort-motivated, homebody, but this week you’re feeling sociable, direct, and playful. You have this warm, mischievous energy that’s great for witty conversation with friends, and your ability to express yourself accurately is intensified. We love to see you at your best, Cancer, so make plans to socialize this week. If you’ve been having any issues or thoughts relating to your romantic relationships, this is also a great time to communicate them. You’re feeling direct and precise which makes this the perfect week to accurately communicate your thoughts. Other than that, just go have fun this week, Cancer. We love to watch your wild side come out!
Bold, bright, and confident. When I think Leo, I think a courageous, aspirational go-getter with style. This week, you’re gaining clarity and motivation in so many areas of your life, making it the perfect time to start planning next years goals. We all know you have rigor, Leo, but don’t you want to look good and feel good while you’re coming in first? If you have health goals for next year, start doing your research now. What lifestyle changes would you have to make? What would your week really look like if you were living your healthiest life? Same goes for any career plans. We know you can be ambitious and conspicuous when planning your future, but can you also be honest and precise?
Get your favorite pen out, Virgo; it’s time to get writing! This week’s transits are dosing you with the perfect combination of artistry, specificity, and introspective thought. You’re able to express your personal perspective in a way that’s both original and digestible to the masses, making you feel understood and validated. Sometimes it really isn’t who you’re talking to but how you say it. You may want to use this energy to share your unique viewpoint with the world or for your own personal processing. Either way, utilize this clarity now and come back to it when you’re feeling unsure of yourself. You’re a great guide for others, Virgo. This week, be a guide for your future self.
2024 is going to be picturesque, and it’s all thanks to you, Libra. You’ve got financial aspirations, health goals, and desires for your own personal growth all swirling around in that big, designer brain of yours, and it’s time to organize it all into a intricately decorated bullet journal. You’re going to feel the impulse to keep fantasizing this week, Libra, but it’s time to put these thoughts into action. If you do the prep now, there’s no doubt you’ll see results. It’s also a great week to clean up any loose ends keeping you from these goals. That might mean having some difficult conversations with family that you have been avoiding, but don’t worry. You’ll charm them like you always do.
This year has been difficult, Scorpio. Your relationships, career, and sense of self have all been challenged. I would expect anyone to feel defeated after this year, even a strong warrior like yourself, and up until this week, you may have been feeling like the challenge would never end. Well, I’m happy to announce the clouds are finally parting. This week, your mind is clear, you’re working through all of those messy romance issues with ease, and honestly you’re feeling sexy again. You’ve been through hell and back, and somehow you always return looking more fabulous than when you left. Revel in this feeling this week, Scorpio. Welcome back.
It’s your season, Sagittarius; that means everyone’s looking at you. And you’re feeling it! Your personality is shining brighter this week with the Sun’s spotlight on you, and it’d be wise to use this vitality to prepare for rainier days. You’ve got a lot of energy to spare at the moment. It might be nice to bottle some up and save it for a future, duller you. That means, spend this high energy week planning your financial goals for next year, preparing your body for the holidays, and caring for yourself and your psyche. You may have difficult realizations relating to family this week, so be prepared to deal with it in your clever, optimistic way. This is you at your best. Lean into it.
Capricorn, this is your week in communication, and we need your voice to be heard. You have such great reasoning and decision making skills, and we need your leadership to help design the blueprint. You’re feeling very articulate this week, making it a great time to assist in planning a future project with friends or have any difficult conversations you may be avoiding. Your creative problem solving skills are also incredibly vital this week, putting you in a great position at work. You may feel like the one with all the answers this week, and frankly, your intuition is correct, so take advantage of it. Oh, and take some time to go out with friends. For this week, you can effortlessly have it all.
Everyone knows you to be the master of philosophical thought, Aquarius, and get ready for that side of you to intensify. Not only will you be thinking boldly and broadly this week, you’ll be able to effectively communicate your unconventional thought process in a way that even logical Virgo can understand. As a result, you may be feeling more deeply understood or even take on a leadership role this week, giving you the confidence to possibly start turning these ideas into a bigger project. Aquarius, us Air signs love to think before we act, and once we have our thoughts in order, it’s important that we act fast. You think like no one else, Aquarius. Let us see what you see.
This year was a little confusing for you, Pisces. You may feel like it just flew by or like the whole thing was a bit of a blur. That’s saying a lot for someone as dreamy as you, but luckily, this week things are turning right-side-up again, with your feet on the ground and head in the clouds. And with things back in order, you may have some cleaning up to do. You may have to spearhead difficult conversations with friends this week or get back on track with some academic work that you’ve been avoiding. Whatever it is, this is the week to do it. You’re going to feel more clear headed, energized, and communicative than you have in some months, so take advantage and enjoy the fresh air.