November 6-12
Overview of The Week
Kicking off November with Saturn stationing direct in Pisces, focus and structure are back in the picture. This months-long retrograde period may have thrown everyone off course, but now that we’ve spent the summer and fall reprioritizing, we’re ready to move forward with long term plans and goals again, at least for the next six months.
This week provides us with another sweet silver lining with Venus entering its home sign of Libra. Poor Venus (love and creativity) has been under constant pressure since June, but she’s finally coming up for air this week to help us find our balance before more chaos ensues. Expect repair around relationships, forward movement with artistic projects, and finally some romance again!
Friday, our chatty friend Mercury skips into Sagittarius in search of some much needed optimism but is quickly brought to a halt, stuck in a square with Saturn. Achieving peace doesn’t just happen over night; Saturn reminds us that it can require a lot of negotiating. This peacemaking process may take a while, but don’t lose hope.
Finally on Saturday, tension worsens with Mars opposing Uranus, creating the perfect environment for conflicts to arise. You may feel impulsive, a desire to rebel, or a need to express your independence. That’s all well and good, just don’t burn too many bridges in the name of authenticity.
Overall this week, watch your temper, focus on the long term, and keep looking to Venus and Mercury for some optimism.
For details on how these transits may affect you this week, check your sun, moon, and rising signs below!
Aries, it’s been a long couple months in the world of love, and you have the wisdom to prove it! This week, you’re ready to share that wisdom with the masses. New ideas about long term relationships, manifestations of new structures for your current partnerships, and clarity about what you want in love are in your near future. Unfortunately, Aries, not everyone is going to understand your perspective, so take caution with whom you decide to share these ideas. It could end in a heated debate.
Taurus, you may be getting some surprise romance in the middle of the week, but tensions are still high. There seems to be an internal conflict brewing between who you are in relationships and who you are as an individual. A dignified Venus is here to help you balance that out, but know that if you feel trapped, you’re in a prison of your own making. Don’t fight for permissions that are being given freely, and before you make any rash decisions, focus on getting your ducks (health, friendships, and finances) in a row.
It’s a good week to be a Gemini! Things are moving forward in your career, you’re feeling like your silly, old self again, and you may even be indulging in some light, flirtatious banter (your favorite sport). From the outside, everything looks light and airy, Gemini, but on the inside you may feel torn. There’s a slight disconnect between what you’re doing and what you want. You may feel the impulse to abandon life as it is and start completely anew. Pump the brakes, my friend. You may be right, but don’t jump ship before checking your parachute.
Things are realigning, Cancer. You’re feeling clear minded again. Your family’s getting along (as well as family’s do, right?). You’re starting to feel motivated. There’s just this one thing still nagging in the background: belonging. You’re the master of connection and community, and yet… something doesn’t feel right. Maybe you’ve outgrown your friends or the group you’ve cultivated was never the right fit for you. Either way, Cancer, you of all people know how important it is to feel truly seen by those closest to you. It may be time to walk away or just a good time to reframe things, but avoid blowing up at all costs. It won’t end in your favor.
Leo, you are feeling sharp, direct, and quick witted this week, just like you were as a little kid. There may be some annoying, adult stressors, like money and responsibility, lingering in the background, but that’s not going to stop you from cracking jokes and having fun. Just… make sure you know your audience. Your co-wokers and family members may not be so down for your fiery, honest humor this week, so save your best jokes for your friends at the lunch table otherwise someone might be going to the principle’s office.
Things are leveling out this week, Virgo. Your relationships are stabilizing. Money troubles are subsiding. Communications with your family are getting better. So with all of this balance returning to your life, why do you still feel so… fuzzy? There seems to be a disconnect between what you’re thinking and what you’re saying, Virgo. As a lover of words, I imagine this is frustrating for you, but don’t get too heated. You may be the only one that understands you right now, and that’s quite alright. Stick to journaling, meditating, and inner work this week. You may find the words better on your own.
Libra, your optimism and self expression is through the roof this week! You’re feeling motivated and quick witted, and with Venus back in her happy place, you’re feeling like everything is right again in the world. Unfortunately, for all of us, I’m going suggest you manage your expectations. While I’m so glad you’re finally feeling like yourself again, Libra, I’m warning you to watch your wallet because while I understand “new me, new wardrobe”, the stars are not in your shopping spree’s favor. I’m sorry to be a wet blanket, but you’ll have to discover luxury through another facet.
It may have been difficult to focus these last few months, but this week you’re getting your direction back, Scorpio. You’re feeling peaceful on the inside, driven on the outside, and ready to get to the finish line. There may be some creative projects that you’re excited to get back into, or you may be feeling passionate about planning your future finances. Either way, you know what you want now, Scorpio, and you’re ready to go get it. Just make sure to stay mindful of who is resting on your warpath. There may be a loved one in the way, not trying to distract you, just looking for a little affection. Keep your cool, set your boundaries, and all will be well.
You know who you are and what you want this week, Sagittarius, and you’re ready to tell everyone! Unfortunately, not everyone (cough, cough, your family) is going to get it. There may be some push back on plans you’re making that you know in your gut are right for you. Don’t let them get to you, Sagittarius. You don’t need to fight anyone for your own life decisions. You know what’s right for you, even if it doesn’t make sense to anyone else. Just let their comments pass through you this week because if you don’t, things could get explosive.
You may feel a little tongue tied this week, ready to express some deeply personal thoughts and stopped short, unable to accurately express yourself. Don’t let this frustrate you, Capricorn. Maybe don’t even try to share. These may be beliefs that no one else is meant to understand but you, things about yourself that only you need to know and stand with. Try writing, focusing on work, and being with yourself. The fight to be understood only has one peaceful solution: self acceptance.
You are feeling knowledgeable and driven this week, but your friends just don’t seem to be getting it. You keep trying to spread your enthusiasm and share your wisdom, and you keep being met with boredom and rejection. Don’t let them get you down, Aquarius! Somewhere in your personal library there’s an author that understands what you’re getting at. Turn to the books this week, don’t push yourself too hard at work, and keep setting boundaries with your family. There are a lot of external pressures, but the peace you carry internally has a chance to outshine them all.
It’s been a hard couple months, Pisces. Saturn has been putting a damper on your self expression, and this week, that frustration is coming to a peak. You may feel more sure of yourself and yet more misunderstood than you have in quite some time. There’s this feeling that you have to fight to be exactly who you are, but who’s stopping you? What are you afraid will happen if you don’t conform? This fight for self actualization is not worth having. Really, you’re only fighting yourself.